Nicos Vafeas
Department of Accounting and Finance
Cyprus University of Technology
Ph.D. in B.A. (Accounting), University of Kansas, 1994. MBA (Finance), University of Oregon, 1990. B.Sc. in Accounting (with distinction), Indiana University, 1989. He has been a member of the faculty at the Department of Accounting and Finance (and its predecessor, the department of PBA) of the University of Cyprus since 1994. His research encompasses topics from accounting, finance, and strategy. He has published more than 40 papers in international academic journals, almost half of which are single-authored. According to Chan et al. (Accounting and Business Research, vol. 32, 2006) Vafeas was among the ten most productive accounting researchers in Europe between 1991 and 2002. Summaries of his research have been published in well-known practitioner outlets such as Academy of Management Executive (currently Academy of Management Perspectives), Wharton Leadership Digest, The Auditor’s Report, Economic Intuition, and The Journal of Accountancy. He serves as one of the Editors of the International Journal of Accounting and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, and the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.
Research Interest
Corporate governance (particularly corporate boards, executive compensation, and executive turnover); corporate environmental performance.
Corporate boards and outside stakeholders as determinants of environmental litigation, Strategic Management Journal 23 (5), 399-415, 2002. (w/ G. Kassinis)
Board influence on the selection of external accounting executives, British Accounting Review 47 (1), 46-65, 2015. (w/ A. Vlittis).
The association between board composition and corporate pension policies, The Financial Review 51 (4), 481-506, 2016 . (w/ A. Vlittis).