
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Nikitas Hatzimihail

Department of Law
Cyprus University of Technology


Nikitas Hatzimihail obtained his law degree with first-class honours from the University of Athens (1995). He completed his graduate and doctoral studies at Harvard Law School (LL.M. 1997; S.J.D. 2002), receiving fellowships from Fulbright Program in Greece, the Onassis and Leventis Foundations and the Harvard Law School Byse and Lewis funds. At Harvard he was twice the recipient of the Addison-Brown commencement prize for written work on private international law or maritime law. Prof. Hatzimihail was appointed to the University of Cyprus as Assistant Professor (senior tenure-track position) in August 2006, as one of the first three hires of the nascent Department of Law; he was granted tenure in December 2012. Prior to his appointment, Hatzimihail served as a research fellow and then senior research fellow at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2002-2006) and participated in the instruction of graduate courses at the University of Athens Law Faculty (2005-2008). He has also organized and taught courses and seminars at Harvard Law School (Byse Fellow, 2000), the University of Oklahoma College of Law (Crowe & Dunlevy Visiting Assosiate Professor, 2001), and the Law Faculty of the Vietnam National University at Hanoi (short-term visiting professor, 2005). Since his appointment, he has spent time as visiting scholar at the University of Bremen and Cambridge University. Prof. Hatzimihail has been a member of the Athens Bar since 1998 (and a CEDR accredited mediator since 2014), with practical experience principally in international commercial arbitration and business transactions. He also worked as advisor on legal and institutional affairs to the Greek Minister on the Aegean and Island Policy (2005-2006). Dr. Hatzimihail served as Editor-in-Chief of the Cypriot law review LYSIAS, published in Greek by the Nicosia Bar (2008-2011). Since 2013, he is the Editor-in-Chief of the Cyprus Law Tribune, published in Greek and English by the Cyprus Bar Association. Courses taught at UCY: Introduction to Private Law, Law of Contracts I-II, European Legal Tradition, Commercial Law, Private International Law (required), Comparative Law, International Business Law, European Private Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution (electives). Courses supervised: Civil Procedure I-II, Tort Law, Legal Method (required), Law of Admiralty, Law of Trusts

Research Interest

Private law, with emphasis to contract law, European private law, and the theory and history of private law; Private international law, including international civil litigation and commercial arbitration, and international business and trade law; Comparative law, with emphasis on the Western Legal Tradition, mixed legal systems and U.S. law) Legal theory, with emphasis on legal sociology and intellectual legal history


  • Nikitas E. Chatzimichael, "Cross-border aspects of the judicial claim in European context, civil claims arising from the Cyprus problem: thoughts from the Orams case" Civil Law Applications 5 (2012): 560-570

  • Nikitas E. Chatzimichael, "Multilingualism and Sources of Law" Chronicles of Private Law 12 (2012): 489-497

  • Nikitas Hatzimihail, "Cyprus as a Mixed Legal System" Journal of Civil Law Studies 6 (2013): 37-96

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