
Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Nikolaos Nikoloudakis

Special Teaching Staff
Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology and Food Science
Cyprus University of Technology


Nikolaos Nikoloudakis is a graduate of the Agricultural Biotechnology Department of the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), awarded also an MSc in the field of plant biotechnology. He obtained his PhD at the Plant Breeding and Biometry Laboratory (AUA) caring out research involving phylogenetic relationships of Avena species and the study of intergenomic modifications using interspecific hybrids of different ploidy levels. He participated in several scientific research projects involving the genetic characterisation of economically important plant species, as well as, their genetic structure and gene regulation. Furthermore, he was a post doc researcher at the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology and Food Science of the Cyprus University of Technology while he has served as technical manager of the national reference laboratories of the Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food, regarding GMO detection in seed lots and the control of pathogenic viruses in plant reproductive material. His main research interests are the evolution of polyploid plants, the study of intergenomic interactions in hybrids, genetic resources and plant biotechnology.

Research Interest

Evolution of polyploid plants, the study of intergenomic interactions in hybrids, genetic resources and plant biotechnology.


  • Banilas G, Moressis A, Nikoloudakis N, Hatzopoulos P (2005). Spatial and temporal expressions of two distinct oleate desaturases from olive (Olea europaea L.). Plant Science 168: 547–555.

  • Nikoloudakis N, Skaracis G, Katsiotis A (2008) Evolutionary insights inferred by molecular analysis of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and IGS Avena sp sequences. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 46: 102-15.

  • Nikoloudakis N and Katsiotis A (2008). The origin of the C-genome and cytoplasm of Avena polyploids. Theoretical and applied genetics 117: 273-81.

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