Pitsillides Andreas
Department of Computer Science
Cyprus University of Technology
Andreas Pitsillides received the B.Sc. (Hns) degree from University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) and PhD from Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, in 1980 and 1993 respectively. He is a Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, and heads the Networks Research Laboratory (NetRL). Andreas is also a Founding member and Chairman & Scientific Director, of the Cyprus Academic and Research Network (CYNET) since its establishment in 2000. Prior to that he has worked in industry for six years (Siemens 1980-1983, Asea-Brown Boveri, 1983-1986), and from 1987 till 1994 had been with the Swinburne University of Technology (Lecturer, Senior Lecturer 1990-1994, and Foundation Associate Director of the Swinburne Laboratory for Telecommunications Research, 1992-1994). In 1992, he spent a six month period as an academic visitor at the Telstra (Australia) Telecom Research Labs (TRL). Andreas’s research interests include fixed and wireless Networks (ad-hock and sensor networks, TCP/IP, WLANs, UMTS Third Generation mobile networks and beyond), flow and congestion control, resource allocation and radio resource management, and Internet technologies and their application in Mobile e-Services, e.g. in Tele-Healthcare and security issues. He has a particular interest in adapting tools from various fields of applied mathematics such as non-linear control theory, computational intelligence, complex systems and nature inspired techniques, to solve problems in computer networks. Andreas has published over 200 research papers and book chapters, he is the co-editor with Petros Ioannou of the book on Modelling and Control of Complex Systems (CRC Press, ISBN: 978-0-8493-7985-0, 2007,), presented invited lectures at major research organisations, has given short courses at international conferences and short courses to industry. Andreas work has been funded by the European Commission IST program, the Cyprus National Research Promotion Foundation (RPF), the Cambridge Microsoft Research Labs, the University of Cyprus, the Swinburne University of Technology, and the Australian Government research grants board, with total funding exceeding 10 million Euro (over 4 million as PI or Co-PI). Examples of recent projects are: GINSENG, C-CAST, MIND2C, EM-VANETS, M-POWER, C-MOBILE, MOTIVE, B-BONE, E-NEXT, SEACORN, VIDEO, ADAVIDEO, HEALTHSERVICE24, LINKCARE, GEANT, DITIS. Andreas serves/served on the executive committees of major conferences, as e.g. INFOCOM, WiOpt, ISYC, MCCS, and ICT. He is a member of the IEEE (M’89, SM’2005), of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Technical Committee TC 1.5 on Networked Systems and TC 7.3 on Transportation Systems, and of the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) working group WG 6.3: Performance of Communications Systems. Andreas is also a member of the Editorial Board of Computer Networks (COMNET) Journal.
Research Interest
Design and Performance Aspects of Networks (fixed, mobile, wireless, ad-hoc and sensor, VANETs, Internet TCP/IP, all-IP UMTS), in particular: • Congestion control and flow control • Control theoretic techniques (non-linear, adaptive control, fuzzy control), complex systems and nature inspired techniques, and their application to solve network problems • Resource Allocation and Radio Resource Management (RRM) techniques • Internet technologies and their application in Mobile e-Services, emphasis in e-Healthcare and security issues.