
Engineering Experts

Schizas Christos

Department of Computer Science
Cyprus University of Technology


orn in Cyprus, undergraduate studies at the University of London, UK, B.Sc. (Eng), 1978. Graduate studies at the University of Indianapolis, USA, MBA, 1988 and at the University of London, UK, PhD, 1981. He received the William Lincoln Shelley award from the University of London for excellence in research, and a Fulbright fellowship for collaborative research in the USA. Since 1991 he has been with the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus and he served as Vice Rector of the University (2002-2006). His research interests include eHealth, computational intelligence, diagnostic and prognostic systems, and system modeling & identification of brain activity. He is the section editor (eHealth) of the journal Technology and Health Care, served as area editor of the journal IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, and member of the editorial board of the journal of Intelligent Systems. He is the founder of the Computational Intelligence lab and co-director of the eHealth lab of the University of Cyprus. He has taken part in European Commission initiatives for promoting the Information Society, especially the Euro-Mediterranean partnership and the eHealth initiatives. He coordinated the team that prepared for the Ministry of Health of Cyprus the specifications and the design of its current health information system. He designed and teaches two courses on eHealth at the University of Cyprus for the School of Medicine and the Department of Computer Science. He attends regularly the eHealth Ministerial Forum week as invited speaker with the following topics: Cross border care – A Challenge and an opportunity for Cyprus eHealth for the Citizen for Better Privacy and Data Protection In August 2015 he has been appointed as personal advisor to the Cyprus Minister of Health on all eHealth matters, especially in proposing the road map for implementing the National Health System and monitoring its steps. In April 2016 he has been appointed by the President of the Republic of Cyprus as Presidential Counselor for eHealth and matters related to the national health system reform.

Research Interest

Electronic Health (eHealth), Computational Intelligence, Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Systems Theory, Diagnostic Systems in Medicine, Engineering, Meteorology, and Financial Systems.


  • Neokleous K. C., Avraamides M. N., Schizas C.N. (2014) ‘A Generic Model of Visual Selective Attention’, Book Chapter in Brain-Inspired Computing, Lucio Grandinetti, Thomas Lippert, Nicolai Petkov (eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8603, Pages 63-75, Springer.

  • C.S. Pattichis, C.N. Schizas, E. Kyriakou, D. Fotiadis, M.S. Pattichis, P.D. Bamides. (2011), Special Issue on Citizen Centered e-Health Systems in a Global Healthcare Environment: Selected Papers From ITAB 2009 IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 3-170, 19 papers.

  • Andreas C. Neocleous, Kypros H. Nicolaides and Christos N. Schizas, (2015). First Trimester Non-invasive Prenatal Diagnosis:A Computational Intelligence Approach. IEEE – Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Volume 19, 6, 1-12.

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