
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Spyros H. Matzoukos

Department of Accounting and Finance
Cyprus University of Technology


Educational Background. He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration (Finance/Quantitative Methods, 1995) from the George Washington University, U.S.A., an M.B.A. (Finance, 1989) from U. of Rhode Island, U.S.A., and a B.Sc./M.Sc. (1982) from the National Technical University, Greece. Positions Held. Since 1999 with the Unviversity of Cyprus. Has been an academic visitor to Cambridge and ETH Zurich, and has also acted as a consultant for the World Bank and the international banking sector. Academic Recognition. He has participated in the organization of many international conferences and has refereed for many journals, including Management Science, J. of Economic Dynamics and Control, J. of Banking and Finance, Financial Management, European J. of Operational Research, etc. He has also been coordinator of several research projects funded from the U. of Cyprus and the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation and has been academic (thesis) advisor for three PhD students and many master students. His research has been referenced in many academic journals, technical reports and PhD dissertations and has been invited for presentation in many Universities including U. of Cambridge, ETH-Zurich, U. of Manchester, the Newton Institute at the U. of Cambridge, and Institutions like the Office of Naval Research, USA, the World Bank, FHLMC, USA.

Research Interest

His main area is in Real Options (Valuation of Investment Options and Optimal Decision-Making) with specific interests in Conditions of Incomplete Information (Noisy Assets), Learning-like Exploration, R&D, Experimentation, and/or Control Resulting from Strategic Managerial Actions; Game Theoretic Approaches to R&D and Strategic Expansion Decisions; The Impact of Hysteresis (Path-Dependency) Inducing Switching Costs; Debt/Equity Valuation, Capital Structure, Bancruptsy Prediction, and Interaction with Managerial Control Actions and (Endogenous/Exogenous) Debt Constraints with Differential Information. He is also interested in Financial Option Pricing (Computational Finance, Financial Engineering, and Empirical Derivatives Research) with specific interests in Complex Option Contracts with Exchange Rate Risks; Multivariate Contingent Claims (Real and Financial Options) on Foreign Assets with Jump-diffusion Processes; Empirical Option Pricing Combining Parametric and Non Parametric Methods, Optimization and Implied Parameters; Smile-Consistent Implied Trees and Implied Trees for Non-Markovian Processes; and Interest Rate Contingent Claims (Riskless and Credit-Risky Option Embedded Bonds) with Imperfect Markets (Transaction Costs of Refinancing).


  • Real Option Games with Incomplete Information and Spillovers (2013). OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science 41, 236-249 (with Eleftherios Zacharias).

  • Multi-Stage Product Development with Exploration, Value-Enhancing, Pre-Emptive and Innovation Options (2013). Journal of Banking and Finance 37, 174-190 (with Nicos Koussis and Lenos Trigeorgis).

  • Assessing the Performance of Symmetric and Asymmetric Implied Volatility Functions (2014). Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 42, 373-397 (with Chris Charalambous and Panayiotis Andreou).

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