
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Tatiana-eleni Synodinou

Department of Law
Cyprus University of Technology


Tatiana Synodinοu obtained her law degree from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She completed her postgraduate studies at the University Aix-Marseille III and her doctoral and postdoctoral studies at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki receiving fellowships from the Greek Scholarship Foundation and by the Committee of Research of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Prior to her appointment as Assistant Professor at the University of Cyprus, Tatiana Synodinou worked as scientific collaborator with teaching duties at the Faculty of Law of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2001-2004) and as a full tiime Visiting lecturer the Interdisciplinary postgraduate program of “Informatics and Management” of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She also worked as a full-time Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Mass Media of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Department of Accounting and Finance of the University of Macedonia, as a short- time Visiting Lecturer at the postgraduate program “Μ2 Recherche Droit de Propriete Intellectuelle” of the University of Nantes and as a scientific collaborator to the Centre of International and European Economic Law. Dr. Synodinou has been a member of the Bar Office of Thessaloniki since 2000. She has worked as a short time expert to EU twinning projects and was a member of the e-business Advisory Board for the study “Intellectual Property for ICT producing SMEs” in the context of the the 'Sectoral e-Business Watch' 2007-2008. She is a case law reporter for “Kluwer Law International” to the legal database «Kluwer EU IP Cases» and a contributor to Kluwer Copyright Blog. She has also been a National expert for many projects and EU studies, such as the Public Domain Calculator project, Europeana Connect (, Study on sport's organizer rights in the EU, Asser Institute-IVIR 2014, etc.). She is the Chair of the Ethics Commitee of the project Mandola (Monitoring and Detecting On line Hate Speech). She has participated as a speaker to numerous conferences-study days-seminars. She has organised many national conferences and study days. She has been the main organizer of the International Conference “Towards a European Copyright Code?” which was held on April 14-15, 2011 at the University of Cyprus and co-organiser of the international conference REDA 2015 -Regulation and Enforcement in the Internet Era, (Nicosia, 5-6 November 2015). She is founding member and President of the Union of Copyright Law of Cyprus (EDPI), that is the Cypriot affiliate of International Literary and Artistic Association (ALAI). For more information about the profile, the publications, the courses and in general about copyright law and computer/Internet and media law see the personal blog of Tatiana-Eleni Synodinou at:

Research Interest

Private Law with emphasis on intellectual property law. Property law/Land Law. Media Law. Computer Law/Internet Law. Commercial Law with emphasis on competition law and company law.


  • T. Synodinou, « Réflexions autour de la récente et féconde Å“uvre jurisprudentielle européenne en droit d’auteur», Propriétés Intellectuelles, Avril 2015, p. 149.

  • T. Synodinou, “Internet service providers’ liability: new evolutions”, Computer Law and Security Review, February 2015.

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