Radim Bělohlávek
Computer science
Palacky University
Czech Republic
Mgr. (1994) Theoretical Cybernetics and Mathematical Informatics and System Theory, UP in Olomouc Dr. (1998) Informatics and Applied Mathematics, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, dissertation "Networks Processing Indeterminacy" , xviii + 198 pp. RNDr. (1999) pursuant to Act No. 111/1998 Coll. Ph.D. (2001) Algebra, UP in Olomouc, dissertation "Convex Sets and Congruence Classes in Universal Algebras"
Research Interest
basic algorithms, to implement them, experimental comparisons and possibly to propose their improvement.
Belohlavek R.: Optimal decompositions of matrices with entries from residuated lattices. Journal of Logic and Computation 22(6)(2012), 1405-1425.
Belohlavek R., Vychodil V.: Closure based constraints in formal concept analysis. Discrete Applied Mathematics 161(13-14)(2013), 1894-1911.