Uffe Østergaard
Professor emeritus
Department of Business and Politics
Copenhagen Business Academy
"Emeritus Professor in European and Danish History, Department for Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School, honorary professor, Department of History and Classics, University of Aarhus Born 1945; military service 1964-66 (UN forces in Gaza 1965-66); graduated from Collège d’Europe, Bruges in 1970 (sciences politiques) and University of Aarhus in 1972 (history). Assistant professor (adjunktvikar) Department of History of Ideas, University of Aarhus; 1972-74 research fellow (kandidatstipendiat) Department of History, A.U; 1976 mag. art. (Ph.D.) in History, University of Aarhus; from 1976 senior lecturer in the methodology and theory of history, History Department, University of Aarhus; Vice-dean Faculty of Arts 1981-83 University of Aarhus; 1987- 1992 senior research fellow at the Centre for Cultural Research, University of Aarhus, specializing in Danish identity and comparative European history; 1993-99 Director of the European Studies Program at the Centre for Cultural Research, AU. 1996-2000 Jean Monnet Professor in European Civilization and Integration. 1999-2000 Head of department, Center for European Cultural Studies AU; 2000-2004 on the board of the Jean Monnet Centre for the Study of European Integration, University of Aarhus. From 2000 to 2002 Director of the Danish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Copenhagen; 2003-2006 Head of Department for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Danish Institute for International Studies. January 2007- October 2014 Professor in European and Danish History, International Center of Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School (inaugural lecture May 21, 2008); emeritus October 31, 2014; adjunct professor Department of History, Aarhus University August 1, 2015-2020. Research at the European University Institute, Firenze 1978-90; Center for European Studies, Harvard University 1984-85; Froðskapasetur Føroya 1988-89; Center for Historical Analysis, Rutgers University 1990; lectures at many universities all over the world. Published numerous articles and several books primarily in Danish on national identity, national political cultures and nation-states in Europe; these are in particular: Den materialistiske historieopfattelse i Danmark 1973; Historieopfattelse og samfundsudvikling, (med J .C. Manniche og P. Torntoft) 1978; Tradition, opbrud og formidling (med N. Christensen og J. C. Manniche) 1979; Fascismen i Italien. Brud og kontinuitet i Italiens historie efter 1800 (med T. B. Olesen og N. A. Sørensen) 1984 (2. ed. 1986); Akropolis – Persepolis tur/retur 1991; Europas ansigter 1992 (2. ed. 1998, 3. ed. 2001); Dansk identitet? 1993; Den globala nationalismen (med B. Hettne og S. Sörlin) 1998 (2. revised ed. 2006 with a postscript); Europa. Identitet og identitetspolitik 1998 (2. ed. 2000). Se lige ud! Værnepligten til debat (m. H. C. Bjerg og H. Engell) 1999. Many articles in Danish, Italian, German, French, Spanish, English and other languages (among others Hungarian, Greek, Chinese)"
Research Interest
"European Union politics Political Culture in the European nation states Denmark and the Nordic Countries"
"Uffe Østergaard / Historiefaget mellem samfundsvidenskab og kulturvidenskab In: Kampen om disciplinerne: Viden og videnskabelighed i humanistisk forskning. . ed. /David Budtz Pedersen; Simo Køppe; Frederik Stjernfelt. København : Hans Reitzel 2015, p. 181-220"
"Uffe Østergaard / Innernordische Kooperation im Ostseeraum In: Das politische Skandinavien: Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik und Kultur. . ed. /Bernd Henningsen; Sven Jochem; Siegfried Frech. Schwalbach am Taunus : WOCHENSCHAU Verlag 2015, p. 199-218"
"Uffe Østergaard / Grundtvig, Nikolai Frederik Severin (1783–1872) In: Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism. ed. /John Stone; Dennis M. Rutledge; Polly S. Rizova; Anthony D. Smith; Xiaoshuo Hou. Chichester : Wiley 2016 (Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedias in Social Sciences) "