Hedemann Hilligsøe Lars
Senior Vice President, Support & Services
Business & Management
Lars Hedemann Hilligsøe has been employed in Terma since 2000. Prior to his current role, Lars had several assignments within Terma – including Director of Mechanical Engineering from 2004 to 2009 , Director of Radar Systems Logistics from 2009 to 2012, and Vice President of Global Support & Services from 2012 – 2015. Lars Hedemann Hilligsøe was appointed to his current post as Senior Vice President of Support & Services and member of Terma’s Group Management on 1 June 2015. Lars Hedemann Hilligsøe holds a BSc in Electronics Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark and an Executive MBA from the Aarhus University and the University of Southern Denmark. In addition, he concluded the Leadership for Strategic Execution Program at Stanford Un iversity, CA, in 2011. Lars Hedemann Hilligsøe has extensive experience from the international electronics industry and was formerly employed in Alcatel and Nokia working with mechatronics solutions for both space, aviation, and consumer electronics.
Research Interest
Business & Management