
Haematology Experts

C.s. Pramesh

Chief, Thoracic Surgery, Division of Surgical Onco
win consortium


Pramesh is the Professor and Head of Thoracic Surgery and Convener of the Thoracic Oncology Disease Management Group at the Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai. He serves on the core committee of the Clinical Research Secretariat of the hospital. He is also the coordinator for the National Cancer Grid, a large collaborative network of 61 major cancer centres in India. Pramesh began his training at the Coimbatore Medical College, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in medicine in 1993. He completed a residency in general surgery at the King Edward Memorial Hospital in 1998 and a residency in surgical oncology at the Tata Memorial Centre in 2002. Furthering his professional training, Pramesh completed a thoracic surgical oncology fellowship at the Tata Memorial Centre interspersed with visits to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, USA and the Kurume University, Japan. He joined as a consultant thoracic surgeon in the Department of Surgical Oncology at the Tata Memorial Centre in 2004 where he has remained on staff subsequently.

Research Interest

Pramesh has strong interests in clinical trial designs, specific issues with surgical trials, biostatistics, promoting collaborative research and cancer policy. He is keen on promoting training of early career physicians and surgeons in clinical research methods and conducts several formal and informal courses on clinical research methodology, biostatistics and scientific writing. He is passionate about reducing inequities in cancer care and making cancer treatment accessible to all strata of society.

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