Raymond F. Adebiyi
Ross University School of Medicine
Raymond F. Adebiyi, PhD, is a Professor of Immunology and Microbiology at Ross University School of Medicine and served for many years as an Associate Dean on the Dominica campus. He began his academic career in Lagos, Nigeria, and moved to the United States as an academic exchange scholar. He completed his undergraduate years at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis from which he graduated with distinction. He then undertook postgraduate studies at the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine as a Curators’ scholar and later at the University of London, United Kingdom, as an Inter-University Council scholar. His research work was in the area of immunology and immunopathology of infectious diseases with a focus on the mechanisms of leukocyte chemotaxis and the immune response to malaria.
Research Interest
Basic and Clinical Immunology Basic and Clinical Parasitology Infectious Disease Pathogenesis