
Engineering Experts

Inji M. A. Kenawy

Deparment of Architecture
British University in Egypt


Dr. Kenawy obtained her B.Sc. in Architectural Engineering from Cairo University, Egypt in 2003. She had then started her academic and architectural career and pursued her master studies in Cairo university. Her M.Sc. thesis was entitled “The Design and Conservation of Islamic Gardens: The Case of the Mughal Gardens”. Dr. Kenawy joined the British University in Egypt in February 2008 as an assistant lecturer. From June 2010, Inji moved to Australia for her doctoral studies and was awarded her Ph.D. in December 2013 from the school of Architecture and Built Environment, Deakin University. Her research was multicultural oriented that explores the impact of urban design on promoting comfort, and therefore helps integrating within multicultural communities creating what is called sustainability of cultural diversity. Her thesis was entitled “Cultural Diversity and Thermal Comfort in Outdoor Public Places”. During her studies at Deakin University in Australia, she was lecturing for Masters student, held the position of the research support officer for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students and the International Student Support Coordinator. In this same period, Inji was the HDR representative in the Strategic Research Center (SRC) committee, the president of the CIB student chapter and a member of the Division of student’s life (ISS-Connect program). In 2012, she was also awarded the Graham Treloar prize for the best higher degree by research student with a published paper on sustainability and a finalist in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment’s three minutes thesis competition. Inji had participated in several conferences, attended workshops and training courses and colloquiums in Egypt, U.S.A, and Australia. She had widely published in different national and international conferences as well as academic journals. To date she published 16 peer reviewed journal and conference papers. She was also part of the organising committee of the Association of Architectural Schools of Australia 2011 Conference, Deakin University and the First International Conference on Sustainability and the Future 2010, the British University in Egypt.

Research Interest

Environmental Design, Urban Ecologies, Sustainability of Cultural Diversity, Multicultural Urban places, Landscape Architecture, Outdoor thermal Comfort studies, Urban planning, Sustainability and built Environment, Historical studies and conservation, Sociology of Architecture and Urban Development, Urban Design and Development, Islamic Architecture and cities, Climate change adaptation, place-making, Histories and theories of design, Interaction of built environments and ecological systems, cross-cultural design research practice, design and analysis of public spaces; behaviour in public spaces.

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