Hatem Mohammad Abdul-mo’em Riad Abo El
Associate Professor
Damietta University
He works as a Professor in Department of Geology, College of Science, Damietta University, Egypt
Research Interest
Eduction, Teaching,Curriculum, Teaching Methods
Mohamed Omran, Hatem Aboelkhair (2013)The utilization of seismic interpretation to identify and describe the shallow subsurface structures in the southeastern Mediterranean Sea. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 6: 3749-3764.
Hatem Aboelkhair, Tarek Ibrahim, Ahmed Saad (2014) Gamma activity of stream sediment feldspars as ceramic raw materials and their environmental impact. Radiation protection dosimetry 151: 175-182.
Hatem Aboelkhair, Mostafa Zaaeimah (2012) Potential of natural gamma-ray spectrometry for mapping and environmental monitoring of black-sand beach deposits on the Northern coast of Sinai, Egypt. Radiation protection dosimetry 154: 81-94.