Andres Aland
Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences and Population Medic
Estonian University
Mr. Andres Aland serves as Lecturer, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences. His Present research activities are Health, Veterinary Medicine, Animal and herd health . Mr. Andres Aland holds a PhD degree since 2003
Research Interest
Health, Veterinary Medicine, Animal and herd health
Aland, Andres (2013). Aastapäevad kui teetähised. Eesti Loomaarstlik Ringvaade, 3, 3−4.
(2013). Livestock housing: Modern management to ensure optimal health and welfare of farm animals. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Poikalainen, V.; Kokin, E.; Veermäe, I.; Praks, J.; Aland, A. (2013). Automatic Dairy Cow Welfare Monitoring - The Current Situation. In: Endong Bao (Ed.). XVIth International Congress on Animal Hygiene "Animal Hygiene, Health and Welfare as Corner Stones of Sustainable Animal Production" (645−647). Nanjing, China: Nanjing Agricultural University.
Aland, Andres (2015). EMÜ loomaarstiõppe kvaliteedi rahvusvaheline hindamine 2015. Eesti Loomaarstlik Ringvaade, 3, 17−18.