Veterinary Sciences

Veterinary Sciences Experts

Esta Nahkur

Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences and Population Medic
Estonian University


Ms Esta Nahkur serves as Lecturer, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences. Her Present research activities Health, Veterinary Medicine, B340 Animal anatomy, animal morphology

Research Interest

Health, Veterinary Medicine, B340 Animal anatomy, animal morphology


  • Nahkur, Esta; Jalakas, Mihkel; Ernits, Enn; Andrianov, Vladimir; Järv, Eha (2013). Veise ja põdra vaagnaõõne võrdlev hinnang. Terve loom ja tervislik toit: Terve loom ja tervislik toit, Tartu, 21-22. märts 2013 . Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool, 11−15.

  • Nahkur, E.; Ernits, E.; Andrianov, V.; Jalakas, M.; Järv, E. (2014). Ossification of the pelvic symphysis in ruminants. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 43: Proceedings of the XXXth Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists: Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 23–26 2014.. Blackwell Verlag Gmbh, 65−66. (1).

  • Nahkur, E.; Ernits, E.; Andrianov, V.; Jalakas, M.; Järv, E. (2014). Sex- and age-related morphological characteristics of European elk (Alces alces) pelves. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia : Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C, 43 (4), 273−281, 10.1111/ahe.12072.

  • Nahkur, E.; Andrianov, V.; Arend, A.; Aunapuu, M.; Jalakas, M.; Järv, E. (2016). Bone mineral density of the osseous pelvic floor in cows – a pilot study. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia Proceedings of the 31st Conference of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists Vienna, Austria July 27-30 2016. Ed. F. Sinowatz L. Abbott. Wiley Blackwell, 52. (45; 1).

  • 2.4. 2016 Ernits, Enn; Nahkur, Esta (2016). Koduloomade anatoomia: Kõrgkooliõpik. 2., parandatud trükk. Tertu: Eesti Maaülikool.

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