Lilian Pukk
Research Fellow
Department of Aquaculture
Estonian University
Ms Lilian Pukkserves as Research Fellow , Department of Aquaculture ,Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences. Her Present research activitiy is fish genetics.
Research Interest
fish genetics
Pukk, L; Ahmad, F; Hasan, S; Kisand, V; Gross, R; Vasemägi, A. (2015). Less is more: extreme genome complexity reduction with ddRAD using Ion Torrent semiconductor technology. Molecular Ecology Resources, 15 (5), 1145−1152.10.1111/1755-0998.12392.
Bruneaux, Matthieu; Visse, Marko; Gross, Riho; Pukk, Lilian; Saks, Lauri; Vasemägi, Anti (2016). Parasite infection and decreased thermal tolerance: impact of proliferative kidney disease (PKD) on a wild salmonid fish in the context of climate change. Functional Ecology, 1−11.10.1111/1365-2435.12701.
Pukk, Lilian; Gross, Riho; Vetemaa, Markus; Vasemägi, Anti (2016). Genetic discrimination of brackish and freshwater populations of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in the Baltic Sea drainage: implications for fish forensics. Fisheries Research, 183, 155−164.10.1016/j.fishres.2016.05.027.
Ozerov, M.Y,; Gross, R.; Bruneaux, M.; Vähä, J-P.; Burimski, O.; Pukk, L.; Vasemägi, A. (2016). Genome-wide introgressive hybridization patterns in wild Atlantic salmon influenced by inadvertent gene flow from hatchery releases. Molecular Ecology, 25 (6), 1275−1293.10.1111/mec.13570.
Gross, Riho; Kõiv, Kuldar; Pukk, Lilian; Kaldre, Katrin (2017). Development and characterization of novel tetranucleotide microsatellite markers in the noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) suitable for highly multiplexing and for detecting hybrids between the noble crayfish and narrow-clawed crayfish (A. leptodactylus). Aquaculture, 472 (Supplement 1), 50−56.10.1016/j.aquaculture.2016.04.015.