Food & Nutrition

Food & Nutrition Experts

Merike Lillenberg

Estonian University


Merike Lillenberg is Associate Professor is Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences. He has done PhD fromEstonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in2011.

Research Interest

Research interest include Biosciences and Environment, State of the Environment and to Environmental Protection.


  • Haiba, E.; Nei, L.; Ivask, M.; Peda, J.; Järvis, J.; Lillenberg, M.; Kipper, K.; Herodes, K. (2016). Sewage sludge composting and fate of pharmaceutical residues – recent studies in Estonia. Agronomy Research, 14 (5), 1583−1600.

  • Mäesaar, Mihkel; Kramarenko, Toomas; Meremäe, Kadrin; Sõgel, Jelena; Lillenberg, Merike; Häkkinen, Liidia; Ivanova, Marina; Kovalenko, Kaspars; Hörman, Ari; Hänninen, Marja-Liisa; Roasto, Mati (2016). Antimicrobial resistance profiles of Campylobacter spp. isolated from broiler chicken meat of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian origin at Estonian retail level and from patients with severe enteric infections in Estonia. Zoonoses and Public Health, 63 (2), 89−96.

  • Haiba, E.; Lillenberg, M. (2017). Head ja halba ravimitest - ravimijäägid keskkonnas. Apteeker, 26−28.

  • Kipper, K.; Lillenberg, M.; Herodes, K.; Nei, L.; Haiba, E. (2017). Simultaneous determination of fluoroquinolones and sulfonamides originating from sewage sludge compost. The Scientific World Journal, 2017, 8p.

  • Haiba, E.; Nei, L.; Kutti, S.; Lillenberg, M.; Herodes, K.; Ivask, M.; Kipper, K.; Aro, R.; Laaniste, A. (2017). Degradation of diclofenac and triclosan residues in sewage sludge compost. Agronomy Research, 15 (2), 395−405.

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