
Microbiology Experts

Prof. Rohtraud

Department of Nutritional, Food and Consumer Science
Nutra Pharma


Dr. Rohtraud Anna Pichner was born on April 08, 1966 in Germany. In 1996, she received her degree in veterinary medicine at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover and in 1999, her Ph.D. at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich. Since 2002 and 2007 she is a veterinary specialist for microbiology and food hygiene. In 2007 she became diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Public Health. From 1996 to 2015 she was a researcher at the department of Microbiology and Biotechnology of the Max Rubner-Institute in Germany. Currently, she is a senior lecturer for microbiology and food hygiene at the department of Nutritional, Food and Consumer Science of the University of Applied Sciences in Fulda, Germany. Her research focuses on food borne pathogens and zoonosis agents, in order to determine the emergence and spread of these agents throughout the food production chain. She has extensive experience in research on microbiological safety and quality of meat and meat products. She has published in peer reviewed international journals in the field of food microbiology and food hygiene.

Research Interest

Microbiological safety and quality of food Zoonosis agents/food borne pathogens in the food chain– detection, entry sources, persistance in food and environment, stress response, antibiotic and biocide resistance, biofilm formation, monitoring and control measures.

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