
Gastroenterology Experts

Laurence Lovat

Professor of Gastroenterology & Biophotonics


As a gastroenterologist, the focus of Laurence Lovat work in both the NHS and private sectors has been managing acid reflux, heartburn, and its complications, particularly Barrett's oesophagus and oesophageal cancer. My team at UCLH looks after one of the largest cohorts of patients with Barrett's oesophagus and pre-cancerous changes in the world. We encourage our patients to join in our translational research studies and most of them are keen to do so. Our research focuses on the use of biomarkers to predict the likelihood of future cancer development as well as the use of novel optical techniques to detect pre-cancer and early cancer and to treat it. This work is based in the National Medical Laser Centre at UCL, directed by Professor Stephen Bown. My role is currently as Head of the Research Group. In addition, I am delighted to work alongside Professor Tony Segal and his team, exploring potential genetic markers of risk for Crohn's disease. Our major focus for these studies is in the Jewish population in whom the disease is very prevalent.

Research Interest

Professor of Gastroenterology & Biophotonics

Global Experts from Estonia

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