Zemichael Gizaw Workneh
Head, Department of Environmental and Occupational
HeDepartment of Environmental and Occupational health and sa
Gondwana University
Mr Zemichael Gizaw joined the University of Gondar department of Environmental and Occupational Health in September, 2009 with a position of assistant graduate I. In 2012, I gained my second degree in Master of Public Health and currently I am working as a lecturer in the department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety. I am also head of the department since August, 01, 2012
Research Interest
Infection Prevention, water quality, food quality, climate change, environmental impact assessment and other public health agendas.
Dejenie Seyoum, Abebaw Gebeyaw, Zemichael Gizaw. Post abortion contraceptive intention and associated factors among abortion clients in Gondar town, Northwest Ethiopia, 2014.
Haimanot G/hiwot, Zemichael Gizaw, Bikes Destaw, Daniel Haile, Sisay Yifru. Team training program and its implication for community engagement, University of Gondar, Collage of Medicine and Health Sciences, 2013
Yibeltal Berie, Kasahun Alemu, Alemayehu Belay, Zemichale Gizaw. Factors Affecting Utilization of Insecticide Treated Nets among People Living with HIV/Aids in Bahir Dar City, Northwest Ethiopia. Science Journal of Clinical Medicine. Vol. 2, No. 6, 2013, pp. 147-152.