Derege Tsegaye Meshesha
Natural Resources Management
Institute of Land Administration
EDUCATION Undergraduate Year of Degree Degree Institution …July 2003 ……… Geography Alemaya University ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS(old and new) Date, Title, Department, Institution 23/05/2015, Assistant professor, Natural resource management, College of Agriculture
Research Interest
Environmental Science
Meshesha, D.T., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M.,Haregeweyn, N., 2012.Analysis of the dynamics and hotspots of soil erosion and its management scenarios: the Case of the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia.International journal of sediment Research 27: 84-99.
Meshesha, D.T., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M.,Haregeweyn, N., 2011.Spatial analysis and semi-quantitative modeling of specific sediment yield in six catchments of the central rift valley of Ethiopia.International Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 9 (3&4):784-792.
Meshesha, D.T., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., 2012. Continuing land degradation: Cause-Effect in Ethiopia’s central rift valley. Land degradation and development. 23: 130-143