
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Andreea R. Torre

School of Government, Development and International Affairs
University of the South Pacific


Andreea has an interdisciplinary background in modern languages and literatures, social anthropology, sociology and migration studies. She has worked on several research projects involving comparative fieldwork in European and non-European countries (Italy, UK, Romania, Ukraine, Ecuador) as well as the use of innovative and interdisciplinary methodologies combining participant observation, photo-elicitation, consciousness-rising workshops, group-diaries, alongside with semi-structured and narrative interviews. Her current research interests are in the area of gender and internal, regional and international migration in the South Pacific Region, transnational temporary labour migration and family making, divers mobility patterns and impacts on social and economic development, and research methodologies and methods. Currently Andreea is principal investigator in the research project “Patterns of Mobility and Development in Pacific Island States: An Integrated Analysis”, funded under the USP Strategic Research Themes. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, the projects aims at providing a better understanding of the links between internal mobility, intra-regional movements and international migration in three Pacific Island countries: Fiji, Samoa and Vanuatu.

Research Interest

gender and internal, regional and international migration in the South Pacific Region, gender and labour migration in South East Asia, transnational temporary labour migration in Europe, transnational family migration, gender, migration and development, social research methodologies and methods.

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