
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Claire Slatter

Senior Lecturer
School of Government, Development and International Affairs
University of the South Pacific


Claire has more than 20 years of teaching experience in politics, governance, and gender and development at the University of the South Pacific. She taught ethics for close to three years at the Fiji National University where she set up, with Dr Margaret Mishra, FNU’s ethics programmme in 2008. Claire also has a background in civil society and NGO work, in trade unionism and in journalism. She is a founder member of the Citizens’ Constitutional Forum of Fiji, the Pacific Network on Globalization (of which she remains a Steering Committee member) and the South feminist network, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN) of which she is the Board Chair.

Research Interest

The politics of reform in Pacific island countries, The global influence of neoliberal ideas and impacts of neoliberal economic reforms in PICs, Constitutional, political and electoral reforms in Fiji and other PICs, The empowerment/disempowerment of activist NGOs in PICs, Gender issues in public policy

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