Margaret Mishra
School of Government, Development and International Affairs
University of the South Pacific
MARGARET’s research focuses on feminism in the Pacific, indentured women’s activism and minor history. Some of her recent publications include: “Your Woman is a Very Bad Woman: Revisiting Female Deviance in Colonial Fiji” (2016); “The Suspicious Death of Depot Baby 7480: Maternal Negligence in Colonial Fiji” (2016); “Mawlee’s Murder: A Minor Historical Event” (2013); and “Between Women: Indenture, Morality and Health” (2012). Margaret hails from Suva. She completed her BA and MA degrees at the University of the South Pacific before pursuing her Phd at Monash University in Melbourne. Margaret has taught ethics at the Fiji National University and the University of the South Pacific in Fiji and gender studies and literature at Victoria University in Melbourne.
Research Interest
Feminism in the Pacific, Indentured Women’s Activism, Minor History