Sonny Lameta
Agriculture and Food Technology
University of the South Pacific
He have more than 10 years’ experience in the public sector. He was an agricultural economist and senior research and economic advisor for the Ministry of Agriculture in Samoa before joining the National University of Samoa as the Research and Development Manager in 2001. In 2006, He joined the University of the South Pacific and has been teaching at the Alafua Campus until now. He have fieldwork research experience and consultancy in social and economic issues pertaining to development and change in developing countries. His interest is in the impact of formulation and implementation of public policies on the masses, small island nations’ future in today’s globalization, sustainable development, and climate change. Consultancies include feasibility study for agricultural and livestock development project (World Council of Churches); Study on marketing of rural produce (FAO) and Agricultural Horizon for the year 2010 (FAO), Study on small farmers problems and issues in Samoa (FAO); and several team consultancies.
Research Interest
Agricultural and rural development, especially on: farm production and rural development systems, marketing supply chain, socio-economic and rural community systems, agricultural and rural development policies, agricultural extension, rural employment and remittances, food security and sustainability, and climate change and adaptation.