Social & Political Sciences

Social & Political Sciences Experts

Hem Dayal

University of south pacific


Courses taught/teaching ED154- Introduction to assessment and evaluation. ED254- Evaluation in schools ED354- Assessing and measuring student performance ED215- Mathematics education primary I ED325- Mathematics education primary II ED350- Curriculum studies II ED454- Advanced educational measurement and evaluation

Research Interest

Mathematics education and classroom assessments


  • Dayal, H. C., Cowie, B., & Bakalevu, S. (2017). Students’ reflections on portfolio assessment in mathematics in Fiji. Pacific Journal of Education, 1 (1), 37 - 46

  • Dayal, H. C. & Lingam, G. I. (2015). Fijian teachers’ conceptions of assessment. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40 (8), 43–58.

  • Dayal, H. C. (2013). Teachers’ perceptions of mathematics at senior secondary level in Fiji. Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, 27 (2), 25 – 35.

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