Sven Bossuyt
Mechanical Engineering
Aalto University
Dr. Sven Bossuyt is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aalto University , Finland. His research interests includes science of engineering materials, the physics of metals, and the mechanics of materials. He is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Sven Bossuyt is the member of many international affiliations. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He has authored of many research articles/books related to science of engineering materials, the physics of metals, and the mechanics of materials.
Research Interest
science of engineering materials, the physics of metals, and the mechanics of materials
Fatigue strength of laser-welded foam-filled steel sandwich beams Karttunen, Anssi; Kanerva, Mikko; Frank, Darko; Romanoff, Jani; Remes, Heikki; Jelovica, Jasmin; Bossuyt, Sven; Sarlin, Essi 2017 MATERIALS AND DESIGN ISSN: 0264-1275
Localisation of plastic deformation in friction stir and electron beam copper welds Forsström, Antti; Luumi, Lauri; Bossuyt, Sven; Hänninen, Hannu 2017 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN: 0267-0836
Mikrokontaktprintimine metallpindadele deformatsioonide optiliseks mõõtmiseks Coren, Federico; Palestini, Cesare; Lehto, Mikko; Bossuyt, Sven; Kiviluoma, Panu; Korhonen, Aku; Kuosmanen, Petri 2017 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences ISSN: 1736-6046