Beatriz Vega
Custom Recreational Specialties
I graduated as Licentiate in Chemistry from the Laboratory of Biocatalysis and Biotransformations (LBB) in the Faculty of Chemistry, Universidad de la República of Uruguay (UdelaR), since 2007. I continued working as a Research Assistant until 2009 in the same laboratory. In March 2009, I moved to Finland for a six-months internship at the laboratory of Fibre and Cellulose Technology Laboratory (FCT), led by Prof. Fardim, in Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU), and I am working at the same laboratory since then. In February 2011, I enrolled to the doctoral program in ÅAU, under the supervision of Prof. Fardim and co-supervision of FiDiPro Prof. Thomas Heinze (Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany). The main focus of my research is on the functionalization of cellulose pulp fibres in the search for advanced applications. I also worked in the extraction of hemicelluloses from wood chips. Besides my doctoral studies, I also have the opportunity to participate as an active member of Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Finland Local Section, where I have the honor to serve since 2015 (Treasurer [2015-2016], Chair [2017-to date] ). I enjoy very much my work as a researcher and I am a great supporter of collaborative work. I want to use my knowledge to find solutions that make our lives healthier and easier.
Research Interest