Christophe Roos
Co-founder, CSO
Pharmaceutical Sector
"Christophe Roos started his career as a researcher studying the interaction of genes during germ line stem cell development. Bioinformatics nevertheless followed him since the 80:ies when he tested the first Swissprot database versions and sequence analysis software packages. He initiated bioinformatics training at the University of Helsinki, and later he worked together with Jussi and Jukka on a large IT platform for systems biology. Christophe has a Master of Science degree in Genetics, in Mathematics and Chemistry from the University of Helsinki and a PhD in molecular biology from the Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg. He has worked as a lecturer at several universities and authored and co-authored a number of scientific articles in a wide range of journals. He is very well connected and versed in several fields and languages. His specific professional interest is to facilitate translational research through the application of a formalism borrowed from the exact sciences and through a better use of information technology."
Research Interest