Environmental Sciences

Environmental Sciences Experts

Ilkka Juga

Senior Research Meteorologist
Finnish Meteorological Institute


Dr. Ilkka Juga is currently working as a Senior Research Meteorologist, Meteorological Applications group in the Department of Meteorological Research, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Atmospheric Composition Research, P.O.Box 503 FIN-00101 Helsinki , Finland.  He is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Ilkka Juga is the member of many international affiliations. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He has authored of many research articles/books related to weather forecasting & synoptic meteorology; monthly and seasonal forecasting, road weather, impact of weather on transportation, climatology of northern Europe (especially winter conditions).

Research Interest

His research interests includes weather forecasting & synoptic meteorology; monthly and seasonal forecasting, road weather, impact of weather on transportation, climatology of northern Europe (especially winter conditions).


  • Mäkelä A, Saltikoff E, Julkunen J, Juga I, Gregow E, Niemelä S. 2013. Cold Season Thunderstorms in Finland and Their Effect on Aviation Safety. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 94, issue 6, p. 847-858. DOI :10.1175/BAM S-D-12-00039.1.

  • Juga I, Nurmi P, Hippi M. 2013. Statistical modelling of wintertime road surface friction. Meteorological Applications, 20, 318–329. DOI: 10.1002/met.1285.

  • Juga I, Tuomenvirta H, Nurmi V. 2012: The variability of winter temperature, its impacts on society, and the potential use of seasonal forecasts in Finland. Weather vol. 67, No.12, 328-332.

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