Juha A. Karhu
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Dr. Juha A. Karhu is currently working as a Researcher in the Department of Meteorology, Finnish Meteorological Institute, P.O. Box 503, FI-00101 HELSINKI , Finland. He is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Juha A. Karhu is the member of many international affiliations. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He has authored of many research articles/books related to Climate change communication and services, Sustainable development, Solar Energy, Polar ozone.
Research Interest
His research interests includes Climate change communication and services, Sustainable development, Solar Energy, Polar ozone.
Karhu, Juha & P. Taalas, Dr & M. Ginzburg, Ing. (2000). Springtime Stratospheric Ozone Over Marambio, Antarctic During 1990–1998. 227-231.
Karhu, Juha & Taalas, Petteri & Ginzburg, Máximo. (2000). Springtime Stratospheric Ozone Over Marambio, Antarctic During 1990–1998 Analysis of Ozone Sonde Data in Relation to the Phase and Position of Polar Vortex. .
Jylhä, Kirsti & Tuomenvirta, Heikki & Ruosteenoja, Kimmo & Niemi-Hugaerts, Hanna & Keisu, Krista & Karhu, Juha. (2010). Observed and Projected Future Shifts of Climatic Zones in Europe and Their Use to Visualize Climate Change Information. Weather, Climate, and Society. 2. 148-167. 10.1175/2010WCAS1010a.1.