
Physics Experts

Aleksi Vuorinen

Associate Professor
Theoretical Particle Physics
Helsinki Institute of Physics


Aleksi Vuorinen obtained his PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Helsinki in 2004, and thereafter worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Washington (2004-2007), the Technical University of Vienna (2007) as well as CERN, Geneva (2008-2009). From Switzerland I moved to Germany and Bielefeld, where he headed a Sofja Kovalevskaja group until August 2013. In September of the same year,he finally returned to Helsinki to work as a Research Fellow of the Academy of Finland and lead one of the theory projects of the Helsinki Institute of Physics. In September 2017, He was appointed associate professor of theoretical elementary particle physics at the University of Helsinki, and from July 2017 he also hold an ERC Consolidator Grant.

Research Interest

QCD and other quantum field theories at nonzero temperature and density, interiors of compact stars, heavy ion collisions


  • Vuorinen, Aleksi, and Laurence G. Yaffe. "Z (3)-symmetric effective theory for S U (3) Yang-Mills theory at high temperature." Physical Review D 74, no. 2 (2006): 025011.

  • Beane, Silas R., David B. Kaplan, and Aleksi Vuorinen. "Perturbative nuclear physics." Physical Review C 80, no. 1 (2009): 011001.

  • Schröder, York, and Aleksi Vuorinen. "High-precision epsilon expansions of single-mass-scale four-loop vacuum bubbles." Journal of High Energy Physics 2005, no. 06 (2005): 051.

  • Vuorinen, Aleksi. "Quark number susceptibilities of hot QCD up to g 6 ln g." Physical Review D 67, no. 7 (2003): 074032.

  • Vuorinen, Aleksi. "Pressure of QCD at finite temperatures and chemical potentials." Physical Review D 68, no. 5 (2003): 054017.

  • Kurkela, Aleksi, Paul Romatschke, and Aleksi Vuorinen. "Cold quark matter." Physical Review D 81, no. 10 (2010): 105021.

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