Janne Pakarinen
Department of Physics
Helsinki Institute of Physics
Janne Pakarinen is working as a professor in the department of physics at Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland. He is the leader of the project "Domain Wall Dynamics". He has published many research papers, which appeared in national and international journals.
Research Interest
ISOLDE, Radioactivity
Sotty, Christophe, M. Zielińska, G. Georgiev, D. L. Balabanski, A. E. Stuchbery, A. Blazhev, Nick Bree et al. "Rb 37 97 60: The Cornerstone of the Region of Deformation around A∼ 100." Physical review letters 115, no. 17 (2015): 172501.
Zielińska, M., L. P. Gaffney, Kasia Wrzosek-Lipska, E. Clément, Tuomas Grahn, Nele Kesteloot, P. Napiorkowski, Janne Pakarinen, Piet Van Duppen, and N. Warr. "Analysis methods of safe Coulomb-excitation experiments with radioactive ion beams using the GOSIA code." The European Physical Journal A 52, no. 4 (2016): 99.
Bree, N., K. Wrzosek-Lipska, A. Petts, A. Andreyev, B. Bastin, M. Bender, A. Blazhev et al. "Shape Coexistence in the Neutron-Deficient Even-Even Hg 182− 188 Isotopes Studied via Coulomb Excitation." Physical review letters 112, no. 16 (2014): 162701.