Juha Jokela
Programme Director
The European Union research programme
The Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Current position at the institute Programme Director in the European Union research programme Academic Degrees PhD, University of Bristol (UK), Department of Politics, 2006 BSocSc, University of Birmingham (UK), Department of Politics and International Studies, 2000 Expertise EU's foreign and security policy, global governance and the G20, EU's Asia policy and Finland's EU policy Current projects at FIIA Arctic region and the EU (EUISS) Forging Global Governance: Economics, Poverty and Climate The G20 and the Democratic Challenges of Global Governance Differentiated integration Professional experience Senior Visiting Research Fellow, European Union Institute for Security Studies, Pariisi, September 2009 - March 2010 Advisor, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, 2009 Director, University of Hesinki Network for European Studies, 2008 Research Fellow, University of Helsinki Network for European Studies, 2007-2009 Positions of Trust Board member of Finnish Association of International Studies, 2009- Member of the Advisory Board on Human Rights, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, 2008- Member of Civil Society Sub-Committee of the Equality Committee set to reform the the Finnish equality legislation, Ministry of Justice, Finland, 2009 Chairperson of Seta, the National Organization for LGBT Rights in Finland, 2006-2008 Languages Finnish and English (working languages), Swedish (passive)
Research Interest
EU's foreign and security policy, EU's Arctic policy, EMU governance, global governance and the G20, Finland's EU policy
2012 A Eurosceptic big bang: Finland's EU policy in hindsight of the 2011 elections, together with Kaisa Korhonen, FIIA Briefing Paper 106
2012 Interregional relations and legitimacy in global governance: the EU in ASEM, together with Dr Bart Gaens, Asia-Europe Journal, 10(2-3): 145-164
2012 The EU’s Asia: renegotiating boundaries, renegotiating norms, together with Bart Gaens and Mikael Mattlin, Asia-Europe Journal (10(2-3): 91-97