Environmental Sciences

Environmental Sciences Experts

Jennie Batchelor

School of English
University of Kent


work on and publish in the long eighteenth century, focusing primarily on women's writing, representations of gender, work, sexuality and the body, material culture studies and the eighteenth-century charity movement. My latest book, Women's Work examined the relationship between manual and intellectual labour in women's writing across the second half of the eighteenth century. I regularly give public lectures and write articles and guest blogs on these subjects. In April 2016 I guest presented a few episodes of the New Statesman’s Hidden Histories podcast series: ‘The Great Forgetting: Women Writers before Jane Austen’. From 2014-16, I was Principal Investigator for a Leverhulme project entitled 'The Lady's Magazine (1770-1818): Understanding the Emergence of a Genre' and was subsequently awarded a Leverhulme Research Fellowship to work on a forthcoming book about the Lady’s Magazine in Romantic print culture. I have also co-authored a popular blog about the magazine, its content, history and numerous largely unknown authors. ​

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