Jessica Frazier
University of Kent
Having studied Sanskrit, Hindu culture and continental philosophy at Cambridge and Oxford, my work now focuses on key themes in Hinduism and religious philosophies more widely. I work on philosophies and arts, focusing on ontology, aesthetics, and India's diverse notions of the self and the divine. These topics are explored in my book Reality, Religion and Passion, which contrasted the Indian philosophy of Acintya Bhedabheda with the hermeneutic ontology of Hans-Georg Gadamer, my recent edited book Categorisation in Indian Philosophy: Thinking Inside the Box, and also in my discussion of Indian cosmological arguments in 'Natural Theology in Eastern Religions' in The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology, conceptions of the self in possession in 'Overflowing Selves: The Phenomenology of Possession' in Mystical Theology in the French Tradition: Eruptions from France, and Hindu formulations of Atheism in The Oxford Handbook of Atheism. I am currently investigating notions of divine embodiment and transformation in the parinama-vada doctrines and metaphors of Bhedabheda Hindu theology, and I also work on Hindu arts, aesthetics, and devotional thought, focusing on conceptions of emotion, passion, and embodiment.
Research Interest
Religious Studies