Social & Political Sciences

Social & Political Sciences Experts

Lubomira Radoilska

European Culture and Languages
University of Kent


Lubomira’s research is focussed on developing a new theory of responsibility, inspired by classical philosophy and in particular, the works of Aristotle. During her Mind Association Fellowship in 2016-2017, she will be working on a book project, which considers whether the knowledge and control conditions on responsibility for action can be reconciled with an acknowledgement of the role of habits and dispositions in agency. She also leads a related project on Reassessing Responsibility, which is supported by the British Academy (2015-2017). Lubomira has published widely on issues in ethics, philosophy of action and political philosophy, such as trust, autonomy and immigration. She is the author of Addiction and Weakness of Will (Oxford University Press, 2013) and editor of Autonomy and Mental Disorder (Oxford: OUP, 2012). She is also Associate Editor of the international academic journal Ethical Theory and Moral Practice.

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Global Experts from Finland

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