Helmuth Van Es
Non-Executive member
Helmuth co-founded Galapagos, a global drug discovery company, in 1998. As Head of Science, part of the business development team of Galapagos, he negotiated and established multimillion dollar alliances with GSK, Bayer, Incyte, Pharmacia, Boehringer-Ingelheim, CF foundation and others. Since Galapagos Helmuth founded BioConsilium and co-founded drug-discovery companies Audion Therapeutics (2008 based on Harvard IP) targeting hearing loss, Eli Lilly and INKEF are current investors; Effecta Pharma focussing on novel antivirals (2009) (Dengue, Rhinovirus etc); Citryll a single asset company focussing on a first in class NET inhibiting therapeutic antibody targeting RA and other autoimmune diseases.
Research Interest