
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Sophie Dubuisson-quellier

Director of Research CNRS Research
Economic Conduct
Center for the Sociology of Organizations


Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier conducts studies in economic sociology that focus on the social fabric of the consumer . It is a question of understanding how the economic behavior of consumers is gradually shaped to the articulation of the steps taken by companies, the State and social movements. To do this, it conducts work on companies and, more generally, on all market professionals (designers, consulting firms) in order to understand how they develop representations of consumer preferences in order to define and implement their offer. On the other hand, it conducts research on the way in which certain militant movements (fair trade, organic farming, environmental NGOs, anti-advertising or responsible consumer movements) mobilize consumers to provide them with means of action at the same time in market and political spaces.

Research Interest

Finally, it studies various public policies that seek to govern consumer behavior, in particular public policies for sustainable consumption (environmental billing).

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