
Pharmaceutical Sciences Experts

Farida Djouad

Senior Researcher
drug discovery and development


Dr Farida Djouad, is a recognized molecular and cellular biologist who has a strong expertise in stem cell biology and immunology. During the past 15 years, F. Djouad has provided a significant contribution to the understanding of the in vitro and in vivo mechanisms involved in mesenchymal stem cell immunosuppressive properties 1-10. In 2011, she obtained funding (‘Chercheur d’Avenir’) from the Languedoc-Roussillon governing body, which permitted her to establish her group at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine & Biotherapy (IRMB), Inserm U1183. Furthermore, her group was the first to identify macrophage subsets in zebrafish and describe their behaviour and fate during the process of inflammation. This uncovered the diversity and plasticity of zebrafish macrophage subsets and underlined the similarities with mammalian macrophages, establishing a new system to study macrophage functional dynamics 11. In parallel, the group of F. Djouad has developed a strong expertise in 4-Dimentional high resolution imaging, inflammation, embryology and zebrafish genetics. Dr Farida Djouad, is a recognized molecular and cellular biologist who has a strong expertise in stem cell biology and immunology. During the past 15 years, F. Djouad has provided a significant contribution to the understanding of the in vitro and in vivo mechanisms involved in mesenchymal stem cell immunosuppressive properties 1-10. In 2011, she obtained funding (‘Chercheur d’Avenir’) from the Languedoc-Roussillon governing body, which permitted her to establish her group at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine & Biotherapy (IRMB), Inserm U1183. Furthermore, her group was the first to identify macrophage subsets in zebrafish and describe their behaviour and fate during the process of inflammation. This uncovered the diversity and plasticity of zebrafish macrophage subsets and underlined the similarities with mammalian macrophages, establishing a new system to study macrophage functional dynamics 11. In parallel, the group of F. Djouad has developed a strong expertise in 4-Dimentional high resolution imaging, inflammation, embryology and zebrafish genetics.

Research Interest

drug discovery and development preclinica and clinical trials

Global Experts from France

Global Experts in Subject

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