Denis Veynante
Computing–Data Mission
An engineer at the Ecole Centrale in Paris, Denis Veynante is a senior researcher at the EM2C laboratory (CNRS – CentraleSupélec). His work and teaching in high-energy physics focus on turbulent combustion, particularly in relation to the aviation and car industries. He has received the CNRS Bronze Medal and the "Grand Prix" of the Institut Français du Pétrole (French Academy of Sciences). He has been involved in a number of initiatives in connection with the organization of research at the CNRS. In 2015, Denis Veynante was appointed president of the MiCaDo Computing–Data Mission. In this quality, he represents the CNRS on the boards of directors of GENCI (French very large-scale computing center), Renater (French research and education network) and CINES (National higher education computing center).
Research Interest
The Computing-Data Mission (MiCaDo) implements the CNRS policy with regard to high-performance computing, grids, Cloud and Big Data infrastructure