Driss Boussaoud
Born : September 1st 1958, Aït Youssi – Sefrou, Morocco. Education 1997 Habilitation to direct research, Univ. Claude Bernard, Lyon (FR) 1981-1983 Doctoral Thesis in Neurosciences, Univ. Claude Bernard, Lyon (FR) 1980-1981 Pre-doc degree in Neurosciences (DEA), Univ. Claude Bernard, Lyon (FR) 1979-1980 Master of Biology and Geology, University Mohamed V, Rabat (Morocco) Past positions 2008-2015 Project leader and Coordinator, the French-Moroccan Neuroscience Consortium (GDRI) CNRS, INSERM (France) and CNRST (Morocco) 2009-2013 Project leader and Coordinator of N€UROMED, FP7 International Cooperation, REGPOT- 2004-2011 Founder and Director of the Mediterranean Institute for Cognitive Neurosciences (INCM, UMR6193, Marseille), a Joint Research Unit CNRS & Univ. Aix-Marseille (France) 1997-2004 Research Director (DR1), CNRS, Institute for Cognitive Sciences, Lyon (France) 1992-1997 Tenured Research position (CR1), CNRS (France), INSERM Unit Vision & Motricité, Lyon (Dir. Marc Jeannerod) 1989-1991 Research Associate, Laboratory of Neurophysiology (Dir. Steve Wise) National Institute of Mental Health, Poolsville (USA) 1986-1989 Post-doctoral Fellow at the Lab. of Neuropsychology (Dir. Mortimer Mishkin), National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda (USA) 1984-1985 Head of the Dep. of Biology, Faculty of Science, Univ. Moulay Ismail, Meknes (Morocco) 1983-1985 Assistant Prof. of Neurobiology, Faculty of Science, Univ. Moulay Ismail, Meknes (Morocco) Current positions 2012… Senior Researcher, at INS UMR 1106, INSERM & Aix-Marseille Univ., Marseille (France) 2008… Coordinator of the French-Moroccan Neuroscience Consortium (GDRI) CNRS, INSERM (France) and CNRST (Morocco).
Research Interest