
Food & Nutrition Experts

Francisco Camacho

food and nutrition


  Francisco Camacho holds a degree in Computer Engineering and an MBA from Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM) in Mexico. He started his career at Procter & Gamble where he rose through a series of marketing positions in Mexico and Latin America. In 1998, he joined Revlon and held senior management positions in Venezuela, Chile, Brazil and Mexico. In 2000, Francisco Camacho joined Danone as head of Bonafont, the Waters division subsidiary in Mexico. He was in charge of Evian North America in 2002 and Danone Argentina in 2004, and in 2007 became General Manager of the region comprising Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. In 2009, he managed Latin American business for the Fresh Dairy Products division. Since 2011, Francisco Camacho is Executive Vice-President for the Waters division and member of the Executive Committee. In March 2017, besides his responsibility for the Waters category, Francisco Camacho is appointed Growth & Innovation Officer and takes the leadership of a new integrated team that brings together R&D, Quality, Innovation, Digital, Marketing and Customers’ relationship. In October 2017, Francisco Camacho is appointed Executive Vice President, Essential Dairy and Plant-Based.     Francisco Camacho holds a degree in Computer Engineering and an MBA from Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM) in Mexico. He started his career at Procter & Gamble where he rose through a series of marketing positions in Mexico and Latin America. In 1998, he joined Revlon and held senior management positions in Venezuela, Chile, Brazil and Mexico. In 2000, Francisco Camacho joined Danone as head of Bonafont, the Waters division subsidiary in Mexico. He was in charge of Evian North America in 2002 and Danone Argentina in 2004, and in 2007 became General Manager of the region comprising Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. In 2009, he managed Latin American business for the Fresh Dairy Products division. Since 2011, Francisco Camacho is Executive Vice-President for the Waters division and member of the Executive Committee. In March 2017, besides his responsibility for the Waters category, Francisco Camacho is appointed Growth & Innovation Officer and takes the leadership of a new integrated team that brings together R&D, Quality, Innovation, Digital, Marketing and Customers’ relationship. In October 2017, Francisco Camacho is appointed Executive Vice President, Essential Dairy and Plant-Based.  

Research Interest

  Francisco Camacho holds a degree in Computer Engineering and an MBA from Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM) in Mexico. He started his career at Procter & Gamble where he rose through a series of marketing positions in Mexico and Latin America. In 1998, he joined Revlon and held senior management positions in Venezuela, Chile, Brazil and Mexico. In 2000, Francisco Camacho joined Danone as head of Bonafont, the Waters division subsidiary in Mexico. He was in charge of Evian North America in 2002 and Danone Argentina in 2004, and in 2007 became General Manager of the region comprising Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. In 2009, he managed Latin American business for the Fresh Dairy Products division. Since 2011, Francisco Camacho is Executive Vice-President for the Waters division and member of the Executive Committee. In March 2017, besides his responsibility for the Waters category, Francisco Camacho is appointed Growth & Innovation Officer and takes the leadership of a new integrated team that brings together R&D, Quality, Innovation, Digital, Marketing and Customers’ relationship. In October 2017, Francisco Camacho is appointed Executive Vice President, Essential Dairy and Plant-Based.  

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