Yuan An
Associate professor
information science
drexcel university
Dr. An's research interests include health and biomedical information integration, extraction, and analysis; requirements analysis and engineering for healthcare information systems; semantic and ontology mapping; knowledge representation and reasoning. He has conducted research on discovering and using semantic mappings between different data representations including relational schemas, XML DTDs/schemas, ontologies, and other conceptual models. His current projects include helping healthcare providers gather and retrieve healthcare information in structured databases, indexing and searching biological Web interfaces, creating online schema repositories, and developing a case-based approach for schema design. EDUCATION PhD, Computer Science University of Toronto Master of Computer Science, Dalhousie University Master of Engineering, Systems Engineering, Tsinghua University Bachelor of Engineering, Tsinghua University
Research Interest
His teaching interests include systems analysis and design, requirements engineering, software development, and database management systems. His research include Conceptual modeling, schema and ontology mapping, information integration, knowledge representation, requirements engineering, healthcare information systems, semantic web