Cédric Moreau De Bellaing
Department of Social Sciences
Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS)
Lecturer in sociology of law and political science Member of LIER (IMM, CNRS / EHESS) Member of the scientific committee of the city of Paris Member of the Academic Council of Paris Sciences and Letters Research University Responsible for the ENS, the L3 convention with Paris-Dauphine
Research Interest
No war, no peace, knots of law and violence Police questions External control of the activities of coercive institutions in a democracy Sociology of the State Riots and collective protests Sociology of law Pragmatism and pragmatic sociology Epistemology of the social sciences, constructivism and sociology of the tests
"No war, no peace. Dislocations of the political order and settlements of the war "(with Dominique Linhardt), Politix n ° 104, 2013, p. 7-23.
"The criminal law doctrine of the enemy and the (new) knots of violence and law" (with Dominique Linhardt), Jurisprudence , 2015, p. 35-50.
Public force. A sociology of the police institution , Paris, Économica, 2015.