
Business & Management Experts

Jeroen Struben

Strategy and Organisation
Emylon Business School


Jeroen STRUBEN ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF SYSTEM DYNAMICS Strategy and Organisation Jeroen studies dynamics of market formation and transformation, addressing questions such as “How do alternative products and practices penetrate in the marketplace or society at large, rather than falter?”. He produces insights about coordination and collective action across organizations, industries and governments through combining empirical and systems science-based analysis.

Research Interest

My research examines market formation processes for issues of societal importance. I am particularly interested in the question: How do alternative products, ideas, and practices successfully penetrate in the marketplace or society at large, rather than falter? I analyze market formation through a systems lens, focusing on the over-time interactions across stakeholders working through both social and material adoption challenges. I conceptualize and study these efforts as market formation processes because significant uptake of such products involves the joint development of consumer familiarization, complementary infrastructure, and technology improvement for example. I tackle these problems using simulation and empirical analysis of large spatiotemporal datasets. My current research program consists of three projects: (I) Market formation for alternative fuel vehicles, (II) Market formation for nutritious food, and (III) Market formation theory. I develop insights that help both scholars and practitioners understand why many of these efforts often involves lengthy struggles, generate unintended outcomes, and even may fail. Through my research I have worked with organizations across a variety of sectors ranging from automotive (Ford, GM, SAIC Shanghai), to energy (Shell, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, US Department of Energy (DOE), Johnson Controls China), public health (PHAC), and to fisheries (NOAA, GCDC). I have participated in panels, workshops, and creative marathons on challenges of and strategies for adopting sustainable practices.

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