Hugues Bouthinon-dumas
Public and Private Policy Department
ESSEC Business School
Accreditation to direct doctoral research (Habilitation à diriger des recherches) (Sorbonne Law School) Doctorate in Private Law (University Paris Dauphine) Research Master in Private Law (Sorbonne University) Research Master in Philosophy of law (University Paris II Panthéon Assas) Agrégation de Sciences Economiques et Sociales (French diploma for teaching Economics and Social sciences) Graduated (Licence et maîtrise) from the University of Paris Nanterre in sociology, philosophy and economics Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (French School for teaching and research career), Department of Social studies.
Research Interest
Areas Company Law. Corporate governance. Banking and Financial Law. Regulation of Markets. Law & Economics. Law & Management. Legal Theory. Law & Society. Legal education. Sectors Banking and Finance Law
"La quête de l?effectivité dans la régulation financière à travers les sanctions dissuasives et la conformité" (H. Bouthinon‑Dumas), Revue internationale des services financiers / International Review of Financial Services "L'impact de la recherche en droit et sa mesure" (H. Bouthinon‑Dumas, G. Voss, V. Rebeyrol), Les Petites Affiches "Les juristes d'entreprises au Luxembourg" (H. Bouthinon‑Dumas, A. Masson), ACE Comptabilité, fiscalité, audit, droit des affaires au Luxembourg, May 2017, Vol. 2017, Issue 5, p. 3‑20