Mathe Streho
European Board of Ophthalmology
Former Internal and Assistant-Chief of Clinic of the Hospitals of Paris, Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology. Specialized in Imaging and Retinal Pathologies. Dr. Maté Streho exercises in the Explore Liberal Vision Center in Paris and the Exploration Center for Vision in Rueil-Malmaison and shares responsibility for AMD consultation Lariboisière hospital in the service of Professor Ramin Tadayoni. His interests concern the entire field of ocular imaging (ultrasound, OCT, angiography ...) as well as retinal pathologies. Author of several referenced articles, he has participated in many SFO reports since 2011, notably Uvéites, AMD, Presbyopia, Macular edema and Glaucoma.
Research Interest
Ophthalmology, Pathology