
Business & Management Experts

Philippe Gaud

Affiliate Professor
Management and Human Resources
HEC Paris


 Philippe Gaud has spent the last 25 years as an operational Human Resources professional in international companies. He started his career with Reckitt & Colman, a British company specialized in Household and Personal care products and recognized as an FMCG company (Fast Moving Consumer Goods). He has held a wide range of positions within HR, the last being as the European Human Resources Director . He spent 6 years with R&C in London . In 1999, he joined Apple as Human Resources Director, Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA), a position that he held for 8 years. During that period, Apple grew from $1 billion to $6 billion through major organizational changes that made EMEA the best performing region at Apple. These 8 years of constant changes were an incredible opportunity to make the HR function a key player in these business challenges (organization design, staffing, change management). Philippe decided to leave Apple in November 2007 to dedicate his time to teaching. He is now Affiliate Professor at HEC Paris where he teaches Human Resources Management at the MBA, Executive Education and Grande École. He is developing  expertise in the field of individual, group and organizational performance. He also collaborates on leadership development activities (Corporate consulting, research).

Research Interest

 Corporate consulting, research

Global Experts from France

Global Experts in Subject

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